Upcoming Workshop:
A Doughnut that's Good for
California And the World
April 19th, hosted by Gaia Education
Renegade Economist
Della Z

Della Z Duncan is a Renegade Economist who...
✨Supports individuals working to better align their values with their work as a Right Livelihood Coach,
✨Offers Consulting to organizations contributing to equitable and sustainable economic systems change,
✨Facilitates inspiring Work that Reconnects retreats, and
✨Hosts the Upstream Podcast, challenging mainstream economic thinking through documentaries and conversations including the following podcast documentaries: The Green Transition: The Problem with Green Capitalism, Our Struggles are Your Struggles: Stories of Indigenous Resistance and Regeneration, and Worker Cooperatives: Widening Spheres of Democracy.
Della is also a Senior Atlantic Fellow of Social and Economic Equity at the International Inequalities Institute in the London School of Economics, the Course Development Manager of Fritjof Capra’s Capra Course on the Systems View of Life, a Gross National Happiness Master Trainer, a founding member of the California Doughnut Economics Coalition (CalDEC), and a Senior Lecturer at the California Institute of Integral Studies, Santa Cruz Permaculture, Vital Cycles Permaculture, and Gaia Education.
She holds an MA in Economics for Transition with Distinction from Schumacher College, a BA in International Relations and Sociology with highest honors from the University of California, Davis, a graduate certificate in Authentic Leadership from Naropa University, and has completed Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects Intensive Program.